How To Improve Health Span

I always look at the open rate of my emails to see which subject lines resonates most with people. Recently I sent out one with the subject line “Shut Your Mouth and Live Longer” and it had a dramatically larger open rate than a lot of them, which either makes me...
Think Yourself Thin

Think Yourself Thin

The three main pillars of health at the studio that we always talk about is to MOVE consistently, to eat healthy MEALS and to have a positive MINDSET.  I can’t emphasize enough how essential the mindset part is. It isn’t just about being positive...

Diet or Exercise?

I just watched a Youtube entitled Diet vs Exercise: Should you prioritize one over the other? . The two experts in the video were obviously proponents of each and so the question was purely hypothetical, but it was an interesting question. I’d like to...

Should You Stretch After You Walk?

Absolutely, definitely, positively stretch after your walks…Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. That puts you at risk for joint pain, strains, and...


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If you are over 40 and you want to receive information about the best EXERCISES, the healthiest WAYS TO EAT and the right MINDSET SHIFTS that you can make in order to achieve the body you need so you can live the long, vibrant and energetic life you've always wanted then this weekly newsletter is for you.

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