We’re Facing a Comfort Crisis

We are just coming through a heat dome event. It’s been unbearable hot here but thankfully most, if not all, of you reading this live in a home that has air conditioning, and so as hot as it is we aren’t exactly suffering. I’m pretty sure most of you...

Planking – the What, the Why, the How

After over 20 years coaching clients on how to move properly I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to start any fitness regime with enhancing our stability. Strength is importance, but stability training should come first. Why? Stability allows you to...

You Don’t Own Your Health, You Rent It.

Last week I shared with you a formula that can be used to get a better understanding of why we tend to gain weight as we age….and our ‘metabolism’ was just one of many factors. I think, to date, that was the most popular post I’ve written. I...

6 Ways to Boost Your Motivation Naturally

I don’t even have to ask the question…I know all of you know someone that is simply genetically blessed. They don’t exercise, they don’t watch what they eat but they always look great. Then there is the person that just has to take a day off,...

Our Pursuit of Comfort Is Killing Us

Did you read last weeks blog, It’s a Battle of the Bicep, Not the Belly? It was all about the importance of focusing on gain and not loss. At a certain stage in life we need to focus on gaining muscle and not losing weight. We need to focus on gaining...

Progress Needs Truth & Lies I’ve Told Myself

I often watch You Tube videos by this organizational psychologist named Benjamin Hardy, and he loves to quote people. Last week he quoted Dan Sullivan, a business coach. He said, “All progress starts by telling the truth.”I had to pause the video and...


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