Think Yourself Thin

Think Yourself Thin

The three main pillars of health at the studio that we always talk about is to MOVE consistently, to eat healthy MEALS and to have a positive MINDSET.  I can’t emphasize enough how essential the mindset part is. It isn’t just about being positive...


Have you seen the formula, BE x DO = HAVE? It’s a well known formula that helps people understand not only the importance of personal accountability and action taking but also goal setting And that’s why I always start the formula backwards with my...

Honour Your Future Self

I hope this finds you well. I want you to do me (and yourself) a favour and watch this 1 minute video with Jerry Seinfeld.In it you will see Jerry Seinfeld on the David Letterman show discuss this human plight of leaving our problems for our Future Selves to figure...

Curb Your Cravings Naturally

It’s our first long weekend that may look a bit normal in a couple of years and I hope you are going to have a great one! Chances are this long weekend and many of the weekends that are coming up may include: snacking on easy to grab snacks (that go well with...
Vegan Green Goddess Dressing

Vegan Green Goddess Dressing

In case you feel you aren’t getting enough vegetables in your life, I have a solution for you. This vegan Green Goddess dressing is basically a salad, pureed and poured on top of a salad! Lol. You think I’m joking don’t you… 😉 Ingredients 1/4...


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If you are over 40 and you want to receive information about the best EXERCISES, the healthiest WAYS TO EAT and the right MINDSET SHIFTS that you can make in order to achieve the body you need so you can live the long, vibrant and energetic life you've always wanted then this weekly newsletter is for you.

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