Planking – the What, the Why, the How

After over 20 years coaching clients on how to move properly I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to start any fitness regime with enhancing our stability. Strength is importance, but stability training should come first. Why? Stability allows you to...
Think Yourself Thin

Think Yourself Thin

The three main pillars of health at the studio that we always talk about is to MOVE consistently, to eat healthy MEALS and to have a positive MINDSET.  I can’t emphasize enough how essential the mindset part is. It isn’t just about being positive...

Control Your Controllables

I can’t believe how much feedback I had about last weeks newsletter. It was all about you being the one who can choose how you spend your time and who you choose to spend it with. Apparently that resonated with a whole lot of you. I think the message...

Achieve Your Goals Faster

Do you have a goal? What would you think if I told you there is a way to achieve that goal faster and easier? This week I want to share with you a trick by Benjamin Hardy, PhD. It is a very simple thing that you can do that will help you achieve your goals faster and...

Why a Positive Attitude May Be The Key To Your Success

This is the last in a four part installment on motivation, so if you missed the first few I encourage you to head to the previous blog posts (linked below)and read them! Part 1 was about understanding why we lose motivation. Essentially, you don’t lose...


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If you are over 40 and you want to receive information about the best EXERCISES, the healthiest WAYS TO EAT and the right MINDSET SHIFTS that you can make in order to achieve the body you need so you can live the long, vibrant and energetic life you've always wanted then this weekly newsletter is for you.

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