4 Undeniable Truths About Aging

We are told told time and again that age is just a number BUT we also have to acknowledge that there are some undeniable realities that come with age. 1) Your muscles are your organs of longevity. And the more muscle we build when we are young, the better off we will...

Our Pursuit of Comfort Is Killing Us

Did you read last weeks blog, It’s a Battle of the Bicep, Not the Belly? It was all about the importance of focusing on gain and not loss. At a certain stage in life we need to focus on gaining muscle and not losing weight. We need to focus on gaining...

The Organ of Longevity

We use our muscles every day—from the top of our head to the tips of our toes if we are lucky—for the smallest and the biggest tasks. Muscles make up an impressive 45% of our body mass. But did you know that muscle is an endocrine organ and regulates metabolism? Did...

How Not to Die…And How to Live Really Well

There is no medicine out there that is as impactful at reducing your risk of death as exercise. And what’s even more amazing is that there is no down regulation like there is with other drugs.By down regulation, I simply mean, become less sensitive. A perfect...


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