There is something about September that makes many of us ready for a reset. It makes sense, after years of back to school preparation and the changing of the seasons. It is part of our psyche that September brings the end of one season (a fun, less responsible one for most) and the start of another (a little less fun, a little more responsible).
Even moreso than January, September is a time for us to regroup and reset.
With so much changing around us, this just seems like the perfect time to make changes in our own lives. Maybe we want to shake off the bad habits we picked up during the summer, get back into a more stable routine or set some goals for change in our selves.
If you think a September Reset might be in the cards for you then I would suggest starting far in the future and making a decision what you want it to look like.
Ask yourself:
1) What physical tasks would I like to be able to do when you I am 5, 10, 15, 20 years older than I am now, and what do I need to do today to make that a reality?
2) What sort of lifestyle do I want to be living in 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now and what do I need to do today to be able to afford that lifestyle?
3) Who do I want to be surrounded by in the future and what do I need to do today to create and/or nurture those relationships?
Once you have answered those questions decide what actions you need to take to start heading in that direction.
From a health and fitness perspective, think about how you should be eating now in order to be healthy and sharp when you are older (hint: it should include protein, vegetables, healthy fats and lots of water.) Think about what type of movement you should be doing now so you can be active and participate pain free in the life you are envisioning (hint: it should include, stability, mobility, strength and both anaerobic and aerobic conditioning).
We are forever evolving and changing and we always do it better together so with that in mind, I would love to hear what your long term vision is and what, if anything you are going to change once the calendar changes into September, and the last quarter of 2023 begins.
REMEMBER: Reset, Refocus, Readjust, Restart…as many times as you need to. Just don’t quit.
xo Christine