1) CONSISTENT MOVEMENT.  Want to feel better, be smarter, have more energy and perhaps even live longer? Look no further than exercise. As human beings we are meant to move every day, in a variety of different ways.  Find ways to move that you enjoy and that challenge you in a safe and effective way.  

2) HEALTHY MEALS.  Did you know that at least 75% of your weight loss, if you need it, will come from choosing the right foods?  Note I didn’t say cutting calories.  It is the quality of the food that matters even more than the quantity.  Your joints, your mood, your energy level, heart health and your body composition are all impacted by the foods you put in your mouth.   Choose a healthy balance of macro nutrients in each of your meals and pick foods that are in their natural form and contribute to a healthy ecosystem both inside and outside your body!

3) POSITIVE MINDSET.  Not only can positive thinking impact your ability to cope with stress and your immunity, it also has an impact on your overall well-being. The Mayo Clinic reports a number of health benefits associated with optimism, including a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular problems, less depression, and an increased lifespan. Why not try practicing mindfulness meditation or yoga?  Be sure to remember at least one thing you are grateful for each and every day.  All of these can improve your mindset.

4) STRONG SENSE OF COMMUNITY.  Researchers have confirmed that loneliness can be a deadly affliction –  as lethal as diabetes or smoking 15 cigarettes a day!  Some experts believe it contributes to inflammation, obesity, premature death, heart problems and more.  Seek out a community that you feel connected to (unfortunately it needs to be face to face…social networking doesn’t count), it can be as good for your health as daily exercise!

5) SLEEP.  What difference could an extra hour of  sleep  make in your life? Maybe quite a lot, experts say. Studies show that the gap between getting just  enough sleep  and getting too little sleep may affect your health, your mood, your  weight , your pain level and even your  sex  life.  Experts suggest you get 7-9 hours of sleep, every day.

If you need any help setting your health plan for the coming months then book an appointment with one of our amazing coaches.  We are passionate about what we do and it is our mission to help everyone become as healthy as they can be and so our first consultation is always free, with absolutely no obligation. 

Click  here to book your free consultation today or call us at 289-337-0407.    


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If you are over 40 and you want to receive information about the best EXERCISES, the healthiest WAYS TO EAT and the right MINDSET SHIFTS that you can make in order to achieve the body you need so you can live the long, vibrant and energetic life you've always wanted then this weekly newsletter is for you.

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