High Protein Scrambled Oats Bowl

High Protein Scrambled Oats Bowl

As much as I have become a creature of habit with my breakfast choices as of late, every once in a while I like a little variety and this one is a winner! These Hight Protein Scrambled Oats Bowls are so yummy and feel so decadent for such a healthy breakfast. Not only...

Become a SUPERAGER – Embrace The Suck

Do you find that the older you get the less flexible you become? And I’m not referring to your body, that is a conversation for another day. I mean less flexible in your life. We get ‘set in our ways’ as we get older and as much as we might think...

Be Like Arnold

Last week I was approached by a friend to talk to a new gym business owner who she knew was struggling. She had opened a gym in Toronto a year ago and was finding it hard, really hard. When I spoke with her she was lamenting how hard it was and that she had to do...

Why We Need Fast Twitch Fibres As We Age

It’s no secret that you lose muscle strength and mass with age. In fact, the loss of muscle tissue begins as early as age 30 and continues throughout life, speeding up after menopause. How much muscle can you lose? If you’re sedentary, about a third of a pound a year...

7 Day Protein Challenge

At age 30+, we begin losing muscle mass at an alarming rate of 3-8% every decade. The only way to combat this is to ensure we are lifting heavy things and consuming enough protein to provide the building blocks for our muscles. But protein isn’t just about...


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