4 Undeniable Truths About Aging

We are told told time and again that age is just a number BUT we also have to acknowledge that there are some undeniable realities that come with age. 1) Your muscles are your organs of longevity. And the more muscle we build when we are young, the better off we will...

How to Lose Fat (and Maintain Muscle)

Time and again people ask what the ‘secret’ is to weight loss. And just like it’s always been, there is no secret. It is hard work and consistency. But I want to explain what the hard work looks like and to dispel any myths of misconceptions so we...

We’re Facing a Comfort Crisis

We are just coming through a heat dome event. It’s been unbearable hot here but thankfully most, if not all, of you reading this live in a home that has air conditioning, and so as hot as it is we aren’t exactly suffering. I’m pretty sure most of you...

The Only 3 Mobility Exercises You Need

Last week I wrote about the importance of creating STABILITY in your body, an often under appreciated aspect of our health and fitness.Why is stability so important? Strength without stability is like shooting a canon of a canoe. It is a recipe for disaster. If you...


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