Why You Need to Walk Outside If You are Stressed

Did you read last weeks blog? I hope you did. I got a LOT of feedback on it as it seems to have resonated with many of you. Which makes sense, it is a tough time for all of us and it’s important to know you aren’t alone in your struggles. I hope it...

There Is No Perfect Time To Start

Did you have high hopes for 2022? Were you starting to see the sun peaking out behind the clouds, as it were? I know I was. I had started to see more friends and family, with less apprehension. I was planning for a busy and exciting 2022 at the studio, full of...

Control Your Controllables

I can’t believe how much feedback I had about last weeks newsletter. It was all about you being the one who can choose how you spend your time and who you choose to spend it with. Apparently that resonated with a whole lot of you. I think the message...

Shut Your Mouth and Live Longer

Last week I wrote about the top scientifically supported ways you can make yourself harder to kill…both in your daily life (get stronger, do more cardio and stay mobile) and by taking steps proven to reduce your risk of having negative complications from a...


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