Our Fitness


How To Improve Health Span

First and foremost, it’s important to note that the #1 cause of death today is still cardiovascular disease. Interestingly enough, the gap between this #1 killer and the #2 (cancer) is much, much larger in other countries outside the US and Canada…like MUCH larger, but that is a topic for another day.

And so, knowing that, if you are looking to increase your LIFESPAN then you need to take care of your ticker.

Future Self Empathy

What is a Boonsday Prepper? Someone who is preparing for the blessings or good times that are coming in the future. All it takes is an ability to look forward and imagine the best case scenario and making sure you are ready for it.

Why You Need to Build Muscle

As the New Year is upon us I thought I would revisit the 5 Pillars of Health we follow here at the studio. Fads are fun, but if you don't have the foundation set, they are of no use. So, check out our 5 Pillars and prioritize those before you add something new. In...


Want to feel better, be smarter, have more energy and perhaps even live longer? Look no further than exercise. As human beings we are meant to move every day, in a variety of different ways.  

Why Problems Are Not Your Problem

 Human beings are always waiting for that perfect time. Why? Maybe because we are genetically wired to seek comfort and avoid discomfort. The initial discomfort of actually getting started and doing the work can easily be avoided if the timing isn’t perfect right? 

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