Our Fitness


Exercises to Stop Doing

I used to think my workouts didn’t count unless I left feeling completely spent and it was for at least an hour. The problem was, the older I got the more I started to feel the after effects of those workouts.

It’s a Battle of the Bicep, Not the Belly

Our muscle is the largest endocrine organ in the body, it controls our metabolism, it propels us forward and keeps us standing upright. Less muscle means a slower metabolism, it means less room for our body to deposit glucose and therefore more blood sugar imbalances, it means lower bone density, it means less energy

The BEST time to do EVERYTHING!

If you’ve decided to make some changes then you may also want to consider when you are going to implement them. Believe it or not there’s an optimum time of day to complete so many of our daily activities. A lot of it has to with taking advantage of your bodies natural rhythms.  Here are a few ‘hacks’ you can use when it comes to picking the best time to do some things.

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