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months or more of training!
Registered Massage Therapy
We believe that Massage Therapy is an essential part of any health and wellness program. If you are in pain or have limited range of motion or tension, massage therapy helps. We offer two main types of massage at our studio:
- Overuse Syndromes
- Shoulder Impingement
- Frozen Shoulder
- Injury Treatment and Prevention
- Back Pain
- Piriformis Syndrome/ Sciatica
- Pain Management
- Postural Rebalance
- Stress Management
- Post-surgical rehab
Our Therapists are all registered. If you have insurance coverage through work or an extended healthcare plan, you may be entitled to a reimbursement of some or all of your payment.
Our Registered Massage Therapists areas of expertise are:
Deep tissue massage
Myofascial release
30 minute session: $65.00
45 minute session: $80.00
60 minute session: $95.00
75 minute session: $115.00
90 minute session: $130.00
plus HST