Our Fitness


Probiotic Rich Overnight Oats
Probiotic Rich Overnight Oats

In order to maintain our health it is essential that we pay attention to the health of our gut. Which means we need to feed them a lot of fibre and supplement them with some friendly visitors on a regular basis. That is why I love adding kefir to my smoothies or my overnight oats. This probiotic rich drink is fully of protein and calcium, but also loaded with gut friendly bacteria.

Start With Your Core First

The dictionary defines core as “the basic or most important part; the essence; the central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature” And so, no coincidence that this part of your body has been nicknamed this. Without a strong core, the foundation for healthy movement is missing.

The Best Exercise For Lowering Blood Pressure

They found that all forms of exercise reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure; but the most effective form of exercise for lowering blood pressure was ISOMETRIC exercise. Who knew!?

Isometric exercise training ranked as the most effective, followed by combined training (resistance and cardio), resistance training, cardio and HIIT.

6 Ways to Boost Your Motivation Naturally

hen there is the person that just has to take a day off, or look sideways at that piece of cake and they gain 5 pounds. From body shape, to hair colour, it is easy to see the outward display of genetics at work.

But it’s also important to realize that the inside of our bodies are as unique as the outside. You probably also know that person who never misses a workout, or rarely eats junk food and makes it seem easy. It’s like they eat motivation for breakfast. It may be that this person is also genetically blessed with what psychologists refer to as low activation energy.

Our Pursuit of Comfort Is Killing Us

As animals, one of our most primitive and innate instincts is to seek comfort and to avoid discomfort. It’s what has kept up alive and well all these thousands of years. As I am sure many of you know, this same thing that kept our species alive is now contributing to our very demise.

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