September Rest

September Rest

There is something about September that makes many of us ready for a reset. It makes sense, after years of back to school preparation and the changing of the seasons. It is part of our psyche that September brings the end of one season (a fun, less responsible one for...

Why Are We So Mean to Our Future Selves?

Because Our Brains Turn Our Future Selves Into a Stranger Do you have a task that you dislike doing so much that you have decided to outsource it to someone else? Cleaning your house for example? Or doing your taxes? Isn’t it a shame we can’t outsource our...

Future Self Empathy

Have you heard of ‘doomsday preppers”? If not, simply put, it’s a group of people who are preparing for doomsday, a catastrophic event or disaster of some sort. They are ready for the worst case scenario. Stereotypically they stockpile food, water...


1) CONSISTENT MOVEMENT.  Want to feel better, be smarter, have more energy and perhaps even live longer? Look no further than exercise. As human beings we are meant to move every day, in a variety of different ways.  Find ways to move that you enjoy and that challenge...

Why Problems Are Not Your Problem

Tony Robbins is famously quoted as saying, “Your biggest problem is that you think you shouldn’t have them.”He’s right. We shouldn’t be striving for a problem free life. A direct result of being alive is that we will have problems. So why not make it your mission in...
Think Yourself Thin

Think Yourself Thin

The three main pillars of health at the studio that we always talk about is to MOVE consistently, to eat healthy MEALS and to have a positive MINDSET.  I can’t emphasize enough how essential the mindset part is. It isn’t just about being positive...


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If you are over 40 and you want to receive information about the best EXERCISES, the healthiest WAYS TO EAT and the right MINDSET SHIFTS that you can make in order to achieve the body you need so you can live the long, vibrant and energetic life you've always wanted then this weekly newsletter is for you.

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